
How can I automatically set the COM port number in a Tera Term macro?

I’m not a developer, but I use Tera Term at my company and I’m trying to automate repetitive inputs in a simple way. I created a TTL file with Notepad and wrote the following code. Everything works fine except the part where I use connect '/C=x'. It doesn't trigger any error message; it just doesn't work. What could be the cause of this, and how can I fix it? I am using version 4.106.

inputstr = ""
com_port = 0

inputbox inputstr 'COM 포트 선택: 3 or 5 입력' '' 0

str2int com_port inputstr

if com_port = 3 then
    connect '/C=3'
elseif com_port = 5 then
    connect '/C=5'
    messagebox '입력 오류: 3 or 5 입력' '입력 오류' 4
inputstr = ""

mpause 100

setbaud 115200

mpause 100

sendln 'passwd'
sendln 'rocauto!'

sendln '! com'
sendln '2'

sendln '! eng'
sendln '3'

sendln '! reg'
;      no     :    region
;   ------------------------------------------
;        1     :     지역 없음
;        2     :     서울
;        3     :     경기
;        4     :     충청
;        5     :     경상
;        6     :     전라
;        7     :     울산
;        8     :     광주
;        9     :     인천
;       10     :     제주
;       11     :     대전
;       12     :     강원
;       13     :     부산
;       14     :     대구
;       15     :     기타지역
sendln '3'

sendln '! sn'
inputbox inputstr '시리얼 번호(sn): 4자리 숫자' '' 0
sendln inputstr

sendln '! ver'
sendln '1204'

sendln 'info'

sendln 'sw'

mpause 100



Since I’m not very familiar with TTL, I tried modifying the code based on what ChatGPT suggested and the Tera Term help documentation, but that part still doesn’t work.


  • To automatically set the COM port number in a Tera Term macro, use the COMx command, where x represents the desired port number. You can also retrieve the available COM port dynamically by using the getserial function.