I have approximately the following jenkins pipeline:
pipeline {
options {
agent {
label "agent1"
parameters {
booleanParam defaultValue: false, description: 'Make clean build', name: 'CLEAN'
stages {
stage("Checkout") {
steps {
if (params.CLEAN){
checkout scm
stage("Debian build") {
agent {
label "debian"
steps {
script {
if (params.CLEAN){
checkout(changelog: false, scm: scm)
I added skipDefaultCheckout
so a user can decide to make a clean before checkout or not.
I noticed though that checkout scm
lines can theoretically checkout different code because they start at different time.
I think if I simply let Jenkins to checkout on it's own they will be the same and share the actual timestamp of checkout.
Is there a way I can have this functionality and still be able to do a clean checkout based on the parameter?
First of all I moved all checkouts on different nodes to the start of the pipeline.
But nevertheless I noticed that revision time is the same on different nodes now so I think the problem is solved on Jenkins side.