I am using the CMFCEditBrowseCtrl
and display my own icon.
There are times when I want to disable the control (ie. m_control.EnableWindow(false);
. But it does not behave as I expect:
It is disabled, but the icon does not grey out. And this looks weird I think. What is the right way to address this?
This is how I assign the image to use (during OnInitDialog
I decided to draw it myself:
// Draws the browse button icon based on the current browse mode.
void CDarkModeEditBrowseCtrl::OnDrawBrowseButton(CDC* pDC, CRect rect, BOOL bIsButtonPressed, BOOL bIsButtonHot)
// Ensure the image list is valid
if (!m_ImageBrowse.GetSafeHandle())
TRACE("m_ImageBrowse is not initialized!\n");
const int iconSize = 16;
const int x = rect.left + (rect.Width() - iconSize) / 2;
const int y = rect.top + (rect.Height() - iconSize) / 2;
// Check if the control is disabled
if (!IsWindowEnabled())
drawStyle = ILD_BLEND50; // Draw with 50% blend for a "disabled" effect
m_ImageBrowse.Draw(pDC, 0, CPoint(x, y), drawStyle);