Could not find a question about this, and just spent 1 day figuring this out, so as community service:
Trying to create new Pipeline in a private Azure Devops project always results in the following error: No template with an identifier of 'xamarinandroid' could be found
My repository has nothing to do with Xamarin. There are no options to choose from and I cannot finish pipeline creation.
How can I create a new Pipeline?
for people using the restclient extension in vscode (I'm not 100% certain but I thing there is also one for visual studio), here is an example of an *.http file to create a pipeline based on the answer by tonsteri
### Create Pipeline and organize into folder /Publish or set to null
content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"folder": "/Publish",
"name": "the-name-of-the-pipeline",
"configuration": {
"type": "yaml",
"path": "the-path-to-the-pipeline-yml-file",
"repository": {
"id": "{{repositoryId}}",
"name": "{{repositoryName}}",
"type": "azureReposGit"
copy, save as *.http file in vscode and then you should be able to click on the "Send Request"