If I run the code below outside of the function wrapper, it returns the expected values, but when I run them inside the function, $confirmed
and $missing
end up null:
Function Check-groups{
$confirmed = @()
$missing = @()
foreach($t in $uGroups){
if($kGroups -contains $t){
$confirmed += $t
Echo $confirmed
foreach($t in $kGroups){
if($confirmed -contains $t){}else{$missing += $t}
Echo "this is missing"
Echo $missing
Write-Host $user.name" does not have the following groups:"
Write-Host $missing
Why is this? How can I make the function work.
If you want to access the values contained in $missing
and $confirmed
then you have to return them as output from your function:
function Check-Groups {
$confirmed = @()
$missing = @()
foreach($t in $uGroups){
if($kGroups -contains $t){
$confirmed += $t
foreach($t in $kGroups){
if($confirmed -notcontains $t){
$missing += $t
# these messages will be written straight to the screen buffer
Write-Host "These groups are missing:"
$missing |ForEach-Object { Write-Host " - '${_}'" }
Write-Host "Total: $($missing.Count) group$(if($missing.Count -ne 1){'s'})"
# the value after the return statement will be passed back to the caller as output
return [pscustomobject]@{
Confirmed = $confirmed
Missing = $missing
Now you just need to assign the output from the function to some local variable at the callsite:
PS ~> $userGroups = 'Finance','AllUsers','FullTimeEmployees'
PS ~> $kGroups = 'AllUsers','FullTimeEmployees','MailUsers'
PS ~> $groupsAnalyzed = Check-Groups -uGroups $userGroups -kGroups $kGroups
These groups are missing:
- 'MailUsers'
Total: 1 group
PS ~> $groupsAnalyzed.Missing
PS ~> $groupsAnalyzed.Confirmed
PS ~>