I am calling a Firebase Cloud Function like this:
final result = await FirebaseFunctions.instance.httpsCallable('users').call();
if (result.data != null) {
final data = result.data as List<Object?>;
for (final obj in data) {
print(obj.runtimeType); // Gives me _Map<Object?, Object?>
if (obj != null && obj is Map<Object?, Object?>) { // Is true
final user = obj as Map<String?, dynamic>; // Throws exception
If I inspect result.data
with the debugger I can see that it is a List of Map where the key is always a String and the value is of differnet types, so Map<String?, dynamic>
make sense to me, but the cast fails.
How can I read values out of my result?
Since you need to cast each item in the map, you can't use as
. Instead you can use cast
like this:
Map<String, dynamic> convertedMap = (obj as Map).cast<String, dynamic>();