
Python Pandas Loc Columns Between 2 Dates

I am quite new to Pandas. I need to select/locate the records between 2 dates.

I have tried a range of methods, but cant seem to get it. I have included a cut down of sample of the CSV/Data I am working with.

Each column is a date, so all of the documentation I have found don't match this data structure

Thanks for any help.

sample csv file


  • Assuming you have non-date columns and date-like columns, you could convert them to date with pd.to_datetime and errors='coerce'. Select the non-date columns with isna, and the wanted dates with between, then perform boolean indexing on the columns and select them:

    dates = pd.to_datetime(df.columns, errors='coerce', format='%d/%m/%Y')
    m = dates.to_series().between(pd.Timestamp('2025-01-04'),
    out = df.loc[:, dates.isna() | m.values]


         Fname       Lname  04/01/2025  05/01/2025  06/01/2025
    0     Owen  Richardson         128         114         239
    1   Edward       Jones         148         144         182
    2   Steven     Cameron         228         272         140
    3    Aldus      Turner         281         139         171
    4  Dainton      Wright         269         176         142
    5    Sofia    Harrison         100         103         154
    6  Heather       Evans         155         163         201
    7   Stella      Harris         126         183         157
    8    Joyce       Smith         251         143         229
    9    Tyler        Hill         299         293         218

    If you just want the date-like:

       04/01/2025  05/01/2025  06/01/2025
    0         128         114         239
    1         148         144         182
    2         228         272         140
    3         281         139         171
    4         269         176         142
    5         100         103         154
    6         155         163         201
    7         126         183         157
    8         251         143         229
    9         299         293         218