
Looking for a more efficient way to replace matrix elements

I have an RGB image and want to identify 'white pixels' or those which have a value of '255' in each channel. Next I'd like to replace all of those values with '0' to convert white pixels into black pixels:

img = array(c(100,255), dim = c(1800,1800, 3)) #dummy image (edited on request: original image was completely white)
rgbSum = rowSums(img, dims = 2) #sum of RGB channels
idx = which(rgbSum == 765, arr.ind = TRUE) #765 equals 255 in each channel equals white pixel
img[idx[,1],idx[,2],1:3] = 0 #this step takes super long

The last line of this code takes very long (> 2 hours). So long that eventually I gave up or my system crashed. Is there a faster way to replace the specific values?


  • This approach works a little faster

    img = array(255, dim = c(1800,1800, 3)) 
    img[img[,,1] == 255 & img[,,2] == 255 & img[,,3] == 255] <- 0
    grid::grid.raster(img / 255)





    If you really want to speed things up

    Use a RCPP function


    #include <Rcpp.h>
    using namespace Rcpp;
    // [[Rcpp::export]]
    NumericVector replaceWhitePixels(NumericVector img) {
      IntegerVector dims = img.attr("dim"); 
      int height = dims[0];
      int width = dims[1];
      int channels = dims[2];
      if (channels != 3) {
        stop("Image must have exactly 3 color channels.");
      NumericVector img_copy = clone(img);  
      // Iterate over pixels
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
          int index = i + height * j;
          // Check if the pixel is white (255,255,255)
          if (img_copy[index] == 255.0 &&
              img_copy[index + height * width] == 255.0 &&
              img_copy[index + 2 * height * width] == 255.0) {
            // Set to black (0,0,0)
            img_copy[index] = 0.0;
            img_copy[index + height * width] = 0.0;
            img_copy[index + 2 * height * width] = 0.0;
      img_copy.attr("dim") = dims;  // Restore the 3D shape
      return img_copy;

    Use set_zero.cpp and benchmark

    sourceCpp("set_zero.cpp") # source cpp function    
    img <- replaceWhitePixels(img) # use rcpp function
      x1 = {img[img[,,1] == 255 & img[,,2] == 255 & img[,,3] == 255] <- 0},
      x2 = {img[(img[,,1] + img[,,2] + img[,,3]) == 765] <- 0},
      x3 = {img[rowSums(img == 255, dims = 2) == 3] <- 0},
      x4 = {img[Reduce(`&`, lapply(1:3, function(i) img[,,i] == 255))] <- 0},
      x5 = {replaceWhitePixels(img)},
      times = 50
    Unit: milliseconds
     expr     min      lq     mean   median      uq      max neval  cld
       x1 84.1338 84.7783 93.01965 91.64740 99.8094 109.7169    50 a   
       x2 63.7948 64.4846 70.78049 68.52470 74.2659 100.0960    50  b  
       x3 82.7356 83.2619 88.98157 89.10510 90.0160 107.6304    50   c 
       x4 84.3123 85.9636 93.37466 91.43025 99.0053 110.1644    50 a   
       x5 11.3669 11.7678 14.87864 12.11920 15.4708  30.3509    50    d

    MemAlloc does also seem to be finy with this approach

    +   x5 = {replaceWhitePixels(img)},  # Store output
    +   iterations = 50
    + )
    # A tibble: 1 × 13
      expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result                    memory             time       gc      
      <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list>                    <list>             <list>     <list>  
    1 x5           11.4ms   15.1ms      69.5    74.2MB     11.3    43     7      619ms <dbl [1,800 × 1,800 × 3]> <Rprofmem [1 × 3]> <bench_tm> <tibble>

    As you can see, x5 is much faster than anything else...

    On request, we can benchmark x5 on a grey-striped image

    img = array(c(100,255), dim = c(1800,1800, 3)) # partly grey and white
    grid::grid.raster(img / 255) 


    img2 <- replaceWhitePixels(img)
    grid::grid.raster(img2 / 255)
