
Angular signals react to local state changes, but not to changes from input signal

I have this scenario, where the parent component will fetch user details and show then on the UI, code below:

  selector: 'app-root',
  imports: [Child, FormsModule],
  template: `
    <div> User Details</div>
    @if(resource.value(); as user) {
      <div> Title: {{user.title}}</div>
      <app-like-button [likes]=""/>
    <button (click)="refresh()">Reload User Data</button>
export class App {
  http = inject(HttpClient);
  id = signal(1);
  resource: ResourceRef<UserDetails> = rxResource({
    request: () =>,
    loader: ({ request: id }: any) =>

  refresh() {

Similarly I have a likes component which is responsible for showing the count and the like/dislike button.

  selector: 'app-like-button',
  imports: [FormsModule],
  template: `
  <div> Child </div>
    <div>likes: {{likes()}}</div>
    <button (click)="like()">Like</button>
    <button (click)="unLike()">Dislike</button>
export class Child {

  // local state for this component
  likes: ModelSignal<number> = model.required<number>();

  constructor() {
    effect(() => {
      const likesCount = this.likes();
      // trigger an API call to save the like button press:

  like() {
    this.likes.update((likesPrev: number) => likesPrev + 1);

  unLike() {
    this.likes.update((likesPrev: number) => likesPrev - 1);

In the below code, I have an effect which reacts to changes of the likes signal, by react I mean the changes are saved to the database using a put API call.

The problem is that, I am using an effect which reacts to likes signal changes. So during initialization the PUT API call is called, which is not necessary.

I would like the API to react to only local state updates of likes signal.

Stackblitz Demo

Expected result, is that API call ( represented by console.log) should not fire on initial load.


  • How about taking this into a different direction. Make the Child component a dumb, presentational component. In the parent component do whatever put you need to by registering a callback to the likesChange event on the Child.


      selector: 'app-like-button',
      imports: [FormsModule],
      template: `
      <div> Child </div>
        <div>likes: {{likes()}}</div>
        <button (click)="updateLikes(1)">Like</button>
        <button (click)="updateLikes(-1)">Dislike</button>
    export class Child {
      readonly likes: ModelSignal<number> = model.required<number>();
      protected updateLikes(relativeChange: number): void {
        this.likes.update(x => x + relativeChange);

    Parent (template fragment)

    <app-like-button [likes]="user.likes" (likesChange)="updateLikes($event)" />

    Parent (component class fragment)

    protected updateLikes(likeCount: number): void {
      const user = untracked(this.resource.value);
      this.http.put(/* ... update likes ...*/);

    By doing this, the Child component becomes much more flexible and reusable, and you've gotten around any hackiness from using an effect to handle the update. It also makes a certain amount of design sense that the class that loads the data would be the same to update the data.