
VSCode - AWS Tool kit/Amazon Q Developer extension: Cannot authenticate via AWS SSO when connected via Remote SSH extension on AWS ec2 instance

I use VSCode to develop python scripts on a AWS ec2-instance using Remote-SSH see vscode documentation. I'd like to use AWS Toolkit and Amazon Q Developer Pro. I installed the extensions via vscode marketplace on the AWS ec2 instance - no erros. But when I try to connect to AWS IAM Identity Center I get the following error:

 [error] API response ( /client/register): {
  errno: -104,
  code: 'ECONNRESET',
  syscall: 'read',
  name: 'TimeoutError'

[error] ssoSetup encountered an error: TimeoutError: read ECONNRESET [ECONNRESET]
[error] webviewId="aws.toolkit.AmazonCommonAuth": Error: Webview error
         -> Error: Webview backend command failed: "createIdentityCenterConnection()"
         -> TimeoutError: read ECONNRESET [ECONNRESET]

When I try the same in a different VSCode dev project with AWS Toolkit and/or Amazon Q Developer installed locally (no remote SSH involved) - it works fine

I configured aws cli on the AWS ec2 instance and configured SSO and executing aws sso login --sso-session <XXX> --no-browse - it works fine when manually copying the URL to a browser to authenticate

I suppose it fails because the remote ssh/AWS ec2 instance cannot manage to open a browser for signing-in to AWS IAM Identity Center.

How can I get this to work

Thank you so much for your assistance


  • In the meantime I found a workaround: You need to install the vscode extensions locally - see