I am having trouble stubbing the SimpleHttp.Response.asJson(Class<T> type) method. Here is the doc: keycloak simplehttp
Here is the sample code that I would like to stub:
SampleResponse sampleResp = response.asJson(SampleResponse.class);
Here is the method I am trying to test:
public SampleResponse getCustomer(String clientID) throws ResponseFailureException {
String url = String.format("%s/customer", this.baseUrl);
Instant start = Instant.now();
try {
// Build request
SimpleHttp req = SimpleHttp
.doGet(url, httpClient)
.param("client_id", clientID)
// Fire the request
SimpleHttp.Response response = req.asResponse();
if (response.getStatus() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
throw new ResponseFailureException("Fail");
// Parse response
// Target code to stub
SampleResponse sampleResp = response.asJson(SampleResponse.class);
return sampleResp;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ResponseFailureException("Fail", e);
Here is the test:
class ClientTest {
private KeycloakSession keycloakSession;
private HttpClientProvider httpClientProvider;
private CloseableHttpClient httpClient;
private SimpleHttp simpleHttp;
private SimpleHttp.Response response;
private Client testClient;
void setUp() {
testClient = new Client(keycloakSession, "https://api.example.com", "BASIC", "user", "pass");
void getCustomer_shouldReturnResponse_whenValidInputsProvided() throws Exception {
// Mock `SimpleHttp.doGet()` correctly with KeycloakSession
try (MockedStatic<SimpleHttp> mockedSimpleHttp = mockStatic(SimpleHttp.class)) {
mockedSimpleHttp.when(() -> SimpleHttp.doGet(eq("https://api.example.com/customer"), eq(httpClient)))
// Mock behavior of the SimpleHttp instance
when(simpleHttp.header(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(simpleHttp);
when(simpleHttp.param(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(simpleHttp);
String jsonResponse = "{\"customerInfo\": {\"name\": \"testName\", \"permissions\": \"admin\"}}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jsonResponse);
// Mock the response
SampleResponse sampleResponse = new SampleResponse();
// Stub the asJson method
// Errors in this line of code
// Call the actual method
SampleResponse result = testClient.getCustomer("client123");
// Verify the expected result
I have tried asking ChatGPT for solutions however the solution provided still fails. Here is a sample solution:
SampleResponse sampleResponse = new SampleResponse();
It returns this error:
org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException: Argument passed to Mockito.mockingDetails() should be a mock, but is an instance of class java.lang.Class!
I have also tried this solution:
It still fails and returns this error:
no suitable method found for asJson(sampleResponse)
method org.keycloak.broker.provider.util.SimpleHttp.Response.<T>asJson(java.lang.Class<T>) is not applicable
(inference variable T has incompatible bounds
equality constraints: sampleResponse
lower bounds: java.lang.Object,java.lang.Class<T>)
method org.keycloak.broker.provider.util.SimpleHttp.Response.<T>asJson(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<T>) is not applicable
(inference variable T has incompatible bounds
equality constraints: sampleResponse
lower bounds: java.lang.Object,com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<T>
SampleResponse sampleResponse = mock(SampleResponse.class);
to make it work.