
Expo React-Native: How do I easily toggle my app's color scheme?

I know that the app's theme changes when I switch the device's theme from light to dark or from dark to light. However, I'm looking for an easy way to do that same thing programmatically: you see, I'm trying to implement a dark mode switch that the user can toggle to change the theme; can't I just do something like onChange={() => { toggleDarkMode(); }} ?

The project I'm working on has been created by running npx create-expo-app --template and choosing the Navigation (TypeScript) template.


  • Just solved it, 20 minutes after posting. You can easily change the theme by using Appearance.setColorScheme(...).

    Import Appearance and useColorScheme from 'react-native', declare the colorScheme constant and assing it useColorScheme(); the only thing left to do is using Appearance.setColorScheme() to change the theme. This is the final code:

    import { Appearance, Switch, useColorScheme } from 'react-native';
    export default function SettingsScreen() {
      const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
      return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
          <Switch value={colorScheme=='dark'} 
              onChange={() => {
                Appearance.setColorScheme(colorScheme=='dark' ? 'light' : 'dark')