I've a file that contains:
# cat
######## foo
### bar
#################### fish
# dog
##### test
with 'Get-Content file.txt | Select-String -Pattern "^#"'
I match all those lines...
How to get only the lines that starts with only one "#"
? (the lines with cat and dog)
You could follow it up with a [^#]
, so:
starts with #
and is not followed by a #
See: https://regex101.com/r/YawMDO/1.
# cat
######## foo
### bar
#################### fish
# dog
##### test
'@ -split '\r?\n' | Select-String '^#[^#]'
You could also use a negative lookahead: ^#(?!#)
, see https://regex101.com/r/9YHjkB/1.
... | Select-String '^#(?!#)'
Yet another option could be to use Select-String -NotMatch
with a pattern that matches a string starting with 2 or more #
... | Select-String -NotMatch '^#{2,}'