
Update Object_construct nested in an Array_construct in Snowflake

Can anyone please help me with this scenario where I have might have multiple OBJECT_CONSTRUCT nested within an ARRAY_CONSTRUCT. I am not able to update one value of an element within it. I am using Snowflake. Here is an example of data,

    key1 : abc
    key2 : 123
    key3 : efg456

Now if I want to change value of key2 which is 123, I am not able to. I have tried OBJECT_INSERT(MyDict::variant,'key2', 888, TRUE) and it threw casting error. Also tried ARRAY_PREPEND and ARRAY_INSERT, none of them worked.


  • You can first delete the key and then insert based on whether or not key2 matches the value

    OBJECT_INSERT(OBJECT_DELETE(value, 'key2'), 'key2', 'test_value')

    EDIT : To update

    merge into test as target
    using (
      select dict,
            value:key2::string = '1234',
            object_insert(object_delete(value, 'key2'), 'key2', 'test_value1'),
        ) as updated_dict
      from test,
      lateral flatten(input => dict)
      group by dict
    ) as source
    on target.dict = source.dict
    when matched then
      update set dict = source.updated_dict;

    Sample data

    enter image description here

    Outputs after merge

    enter image description here