full name of user, my code is
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z ]+\.[a-zA-Z ]*$/',$fullName) == false)
it just allow letters, space and 1 dot in the variable
but i want it allow 0-multiple dots (dots in middle name and in suffix)
Here is the pattern that you are looking for:
Regex Pattern (with 1 capturing group for full match):
^([a-zA-Z ]+(?:(?<=[a-zA-Z])\.[a-zA-Z ]*)*)$
Regex Demo: https://regex101.com/r/Cha5FW/5
Regex Patter for Match-Only:
^[a-zA-Z ]+((?<=[a-zA-Z])\.[a-zA-Z ]*)*$
Regex Demo: https://regex101.com/r/Cha5FW/6
Edit: Added a lookbehind, (?<=[a-zA-Z])
before the literal dot, \
, to make sure that the literal dot is always immediately after a letter.
Last Edit: Or we could simply do:
^([a-zA-Z ]+(?:\b\.[a-zA-Z ]*)*)$
Replaced (?<=[a-zA-Z])
with a \b
Regex demo link: https://regex101.com/r/Cha5FW/7 .