I think I am totally lost when it comes to Plotly Express
, Plotly_figure_factory
I cannot figure how to make subplots with Plotly ternary plots out.
First of all, I tried using Plotly Graph Objects, for example I take the ternary plot from ternary scatter plot with Plotly Graph Objects and try to make subplots as detailed here. Putting it all together I end up with
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
rawData = [
{'journalist':75,'developer':25,'designer':0,'label':'point 1'},
{'journalist':70,'developer':10,'designer':20,'label':'point 2'},
{'journalist':75,'developer':20,'designer':5,'label':'point 3'},
{'journalist':5,'developer':60,'designer':35,'label':'point 4'},
{'journalist':10,'developer':80,'designer':10,'label':'point 5'},
{'journalist':10,'developer':90,'designer':0,'label':'point 6'},
{'journalist':20,'developer':70,'designer':10,'label':'point 7'},
{'journalist':10,'developer':20,'designer':70,'label':'point 8'},
{'journalist':15,'developer':5,'designer':80,'label':'point 9'},
{'journalist':10,'developer':10,'designer':80,'label':'point 10'},
{'journalist':20,'developer':10,'designer':70,'label':'point 11'},
def makeAxis(title, tickangle):
return {
'title': {'text': title, 'font': { 'size': 20}},
'tickangle': tickangle,
'tickfont': { 'size': 15 },
'tickcolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'ticklen': 5,
'showline': True,
'showgrid': True
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatterternary({
'mode': 'markers',
'a': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['journalist'], rawData)],
'b': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['developer'], rawData)],
'c': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['designer'], rawData)],
'text': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['label'], rawData)],
'marker': {
'symbol': 100,
'color': '#DB7365',
'size': 14,
'line': { 'width': 2 }
'ternary': {
'sum': 100,
'aaxis': makeAxis('Journalist', 0),
'baxis': makeAxis('<br>Developer', 45),
'caxis': makeAxis('<br>Designer', -45)
'annotations': [{
'showarrow': False,
'text': 'Simple Ternary Plot with Markers',
'x': 0.5,
'y': 1.3,
'font': { 'size': 15 }
my_ternary_plot = go.Scatterternary({
'mode': 'markers',
'a': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['journalist'], rawData)],
'b': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['developer'], rawData)],
'c': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['designer'], rawData)],
'text': [i for i in map(lambda x: x['label'], rawData)],
'marker': {
'symbol': 100,
'color': '#DB7365',
'size': 14,
'line': { 'width': 2 }
figure = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2)
row=1, col=1
row=1, col=2
figure.update_layout(height=600, width=800, title_text="Side By Side Subplots")
But I get the error
ValueError: Trace type 'scatterternary' is not compatible with subplot type 'xy'
at grid position (1, 1)See the docstring for the specs argument to
for more information on subplot types
On top of this, I cannot find references to how to get subplots using plotly express plots, e.g. an object like this
data_rand = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.uniform(0,1,size=((20,4))), columns = ["a","b", "c", "d"])
data_rand["size"] = 35
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
plot_ter = px.scatter_ternary(data_rand, a="a", b = "b", c="c",
color="d", size="size")
I would like to have subplots, not only with plotly.express
plots, also containing other matplotlib
plots, cannot find any hint anywhere. Is there not a simple way to pass i do not know ax objects to matplotlib
Thank you very much
You need to specify the sublot type(s) when initializing the figure :
By default, the
function assumes that the traces that will be added to all subplots are 2-dimensional cartesian traces [...]. Traces with other subplot types [...] are supported by specifying the type subplot option via thespecs
figure = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2,
specs=[[{"type": "ternary"}, {"type": "ternary"}]])
Some plotly.express functions are able to create subplots in one call using the facet_*
arguments (see Facet Plots). However, at the time of writing, px.scatter_ternary
does not provide such arguments.