
Does Spark exceptAll() requires both dataframe columns to be in same order?

I have wasted a considerable amount of time trying to make exceptAll() pyspark function, and as far as I understood it was failing (not recognizing existing on target table) due to the fact that both dataframes column order was slightly different. Therefore, I want to confirm and further understand

  1. Does PySpark exceptAll() function requires both dataframe to have same column order?
  2. List iteIsn't it intelligent enought to map same column names?



  • Yes, you are correct. The below would work.

    # Simulating data, could be from file
    data1 = [("abc", 1), ("def", 2), ("xyz", 26)]
    cols1 = ["val1", "val2"]
    data2 = [(1, "abc"), (2, "def"), (26, "xyz")]
    cols2 = ["val2", "val1"]
    df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data1, cols1)
    df2 = spark.createDataFrame(data2, cols2)
    # Get col names from both DF's, nice little feature 
    columns_df1 = df1.columns
    columns_df2 = df2.columns
    # Sorting, no renaming done, but that could be needed as well in some cases, e.g. withColumnRenamed
    df1 = df1.select(sorted(columns_df1))
    df2 = df2.select(sorted(columns_df2))
    # Apply except

    This below would not work. You would need rename cols.

    df1 = spark.createDataFrame(data1, colsA)
    df2 = spark.createDataFrame(data2, cols2)

    Data types that differ can be compared though.