I want to create a website and I appreciate the framework Blazor. Usually Blazor is used in .NET with server-side .NET. I would like to build a website that I can host using Github Pages.
Therefore I would like to be able to compile the C# and Razor code in a bundle of web files: HTML, JS, WASM and CSS. I understand I'm limited to only client-side Blazor. Routing can be a nice feature, but a single page (and URL) is also an option.
Is this possible? How do I get started with my project? And how do I go from there?
Yes, that is possible.
You start with a "Blazor WebAssembly standalone" project and then push it to a Github repository. Very easy with the "Git changes" tab in VS.
I think that you can only use the free Github Pages for a public repository.
Then you need to set up a pipeline (Github action), there are many walkthroughs available on the net.