
How to filter variables for import in Python

I really need to solve my problem because one of the scripts I built, there are hundreds of variables; and in the other script, I don't want to import all variables but only specific variables using Regex; but it seems there is no way how to do.

I'll give an example, there are two scripts, the first one is and the second is

import os
from configparser import ConfigParser

file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'file.txt')
fparser = ConfigParser()
COLOUR_ONE = fparser.get("GENERAL", "Green")
COLOUR_TWO = fparser.get("GENERAL", "Red")
COLOUR_THREE = fparser.get("GENERAL", "Blue")
BUILDING_ONE = fparser.get("GENERAL", "House")
BUILDING_TWO = fparser.get("GENERAL", "School")
BUILDING_THREE = fparser.get("GENERAL", "Supermarket")

from script_load import r'^COLOUR.+$'

def function():
    global r'^COLOUR.+$'


As the above, I want to use a syntax like import r'^COLOUR.+$' instead of import * to filter variables as imported. However, I tested and it got error as the following output:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Note: What I want is to use the same variables in as in, not to create new variables because in my problem as I said at the beginning, there are hundreds of variables and I don't want to fill up new variables in, besides to import all variables from into, some of variables could be combined and it will not work fine; So, the post "How can I import a module dynamically given its name as string?" as someone suggested me, it doesn't work me.


  • You can probably do it with importlib and then adding the variables to the global scope:

    import importlib
    import re
    def dynamic_import(pattern: re.Pattern, name: str) -> None:
        module = importlib.import_module(name)
        for attr in dir(module):
            match = pattern.match(attr)
            if not match:
            globals()[attr] = getattr(module, attr)
        del module
    dynamic_import(re.compile('COLOUR_.*'), 'script_load')
    print(dir())  # show the variables in global namespace