
Data decoding in Solana transaction

I am trying to create a Python code to analyze Solana transactions. Currently I am receiving transactions data in Json formats. In a certain part I think I need to decode a phrase. For example, a part of a transaction data is this:

{'accounts': [0, 1], 'data': '3Bxs43ZMjSRQLs6o', 'programIdIndex': 2, 'stackHeight': None}

I guess the "data" key value: "3Bxs43ZMjSRQLs6o" must be decoded somehow and I think it must be something indicating a transfer or something like that. I tried using the base58 and base64 libraries, but I was unsuccessful. I would be grateful if anyone could help.


  • Solana encodes the instruction data in Base58 string format, the layout is defined as 1 byte for instructions followed up by 8 bytes of little-endian unsigned integer (amt of lamports).

    You can use the following code sample to decode the Solana transaction data:

    import base58
    # Your transaction instruction data (Base58 encoded)
    encoded_data = "3Bxs43ZMjSRQLs6o"
    # Decode from Base58 to bytes
    decoded_bytes = base58.b58decode(encoded_data)
    # For a System Program transfer, the layout is:
    #   byte 0: instruction index (should be 2 for transfer)
    #   bytes 1-8: amount in lamports (u64 little-endian)
    instruction_type = decoded_bytes[0]
    lamports = int.from_bytes(decoded_bytes[1:9], byteorder="little")
    print("Instruction Type:", instruction_type)
    print("Lamports:", lamports)