
How to dismiss Google Maps iOS SDK performance monitor?

enter image description here

I'm using Google Maps SDK (version 9.3.0) and Google Maps Utils (version 6.1.0) for iOS.

The performance monitor window automatically appears during app execution and persists on screen. This monitor shows debug information and frame rates, but I need to disable or close it as it shouldn't be visible in production.

private func initGoogleMap() {
    // Load the map at set latitude/longitude and zoom level
    let camera: GMSCameraPosition =
        withLatitude: 37.574187,
        longitude: 126.976882,
        zoom: 15

    self.mapView = GMSMapView() = camera
    // mapView를 googleMapContainer에 추가
    // SnapKit을 사용하여 mapView의 제약조건 설정
    self.mapView.snp.makeConstraints {
    self.mapView.delegate = self

There is no explicit code in my implementation that triggers the monitor to display


  • This is not part of the Google Map SDK, it's Graphics HUD. You may have mistakenly enabled it in Developer mode on your iPhone. Follow these steps to turn it off:

    Settings -> Developer -> Scroll down to bottom, section GRAPHICS HUD -> disable Show Graphics HUD option