I'm trying to set up a scene in Mitsuba 3 where I optimize an environment map parameter, emitter.data
. This seems like it should be possible given their caustics optimization tutorial and the fact that they do exactly this in Mitsuba 2.
I've confirmed that manually changing my environment map's bitmap, emitter.data
, can properly change the lighting of the rendered image as expected, but I get an error during backprop stating that the loss does not depend on this parameter.
Minimum Example
Below is a short script showing the issue. All it does is create a small, uniform environment map, load a basic scene, attempt a render, then compute a dummy loss against itself (just to test gradient flow).
import mitsuba as mi
import drjit as dr
import numpy as np
mi.set_variant('llvm_ad_rgb') # I also tried 'cuda_ad_rgb' with the same result
# Create a uniform environment map
env_width, env_height = 256, 128
env_data = mi.Bitmap(np.full((env_height, env_width, 3), 0.5, dtype=np.float32))
# Define a minimal scene that uses the above environment map
scene_dict = {
"type": "scene",
"emitter": {
"type": "envmap",
"bitmap": env_data, # The parameter in question
"scale": 1.0
"integrator": {
"type": "path",
"max_depth": 4
"sensor": {
"type": "perspective",
"fov": 45,
"to_world": mi.ScalarTransform4f().look_at(
origin=[0, 0, 5],
target=[0, 0, 0],
up=[0, 1, 0]
"film": {
"type": "hdrfilm",
"width": 256,
"height": 256
"sampler": {
"type": "independent",
"sample_count": 16
scene = mi.load_dict(scene_dict)
# Access and enable gradient tracking on the environment map data
params = mi.traverse(scene)
# Render (forward pass)
image = mi.render(scene, spp=16)
# Create a dummy reference image with the same dimensions as the rendered image
dummy_reference = mi.Bitmap(np.full((256, 256, 3), 0.5, dtype=np.float32))
# Compute a dummy loss for testing backprop
loss = dr.mean(dr.square(image - dummy_reference))
# Attempt backprop - should now properly depend on input variables
Error Message
RuntimeError: drjit.backward_from(): the argument does not depend on the input variable(s) being differentiated...
(e.g., if I multiply it by 0.1 before rendering, the scene darkens).emitter.data
Answer thanks to njroussel :
The call to render
needs to specify the parameters:
render(scene, params=params, spp=16)