This will create arr[0]=hy, arr[1]="hello man"
declare -a arr=(hy "hello man")
I have the 'hy "hello man"' this as whole string stored in variable such that:
echo "$var"
hy "hello man"
How can I split it back to an array? I tried IFS= IFS=" " readarray
and all but array only results into arr[0]="hy "hello man""
and not arr[0]=hy, arr[1]="hello man"
Desired array:
arr[0]=hy arr[1]="hello man"
For testing purpose:
arg () { printf "%d args:" "$#"; [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || printf " <%s>" "$@"; echo; }
arg hy "hello man"
2 args: <hy> <hello man>
var='hy "hello man"'
arg $t
1 arg: <hy "hello man">
Is there a quoting trick that can help with my problem?
and an alternative using sed
In addition to Jetchisel's correct answer, there are some details.
And as some installation don't have builtins installed, I'v posted a stronger alternative than eval
using sed
to parse correctly submitted string.
As previously commented on other posts, eval
is evil!! For showing this I will use:
var='my "Hello world." $(</etc/passwd)'
enable dsv
dsv -d\ -a arry "$var"
declare -p arry
declare -a arry=([0]="my" [1]="Hello world." [2]="\$(</etc/passwd)")
Yes, for this use case, switches -S
or -g
is not required.
After run help dsv
I've read a lot of explanation the most usefull paragraph is:
Parse STRING, a line of delimiter-separated values, into individual fields, and store them into the indexed array ARRAYNAME starting at index 0. The parsing understands and skips over double-quoted strings. If ARRAYNAME is not supplied, "DSV" is the default array name. If the delimiter is a comma, the default, this parses comma- separated values as specified in RFC 4180. .... The -d option specifies the delimiter. The delimiter is the first character of the DELIMS argument. Specifying a DELIMS argument that contains more than one character is not supported and will produce unexpected results. The -S option enables shell-like quoting: double- quoted strings can contain backslashes preceding special characters, and the backslash will be removed; and single-quoted strings are processed as the shell would process them. The -g option enables a greedy split: sequences of the delimiter are skipped at the beginning and end of STRING, and consecutive instances of the delimiter in STRING do not generate empty fields. If the -p option is supplied, dsv leaves quote characters as part of the generated field; otherwise they are removed.
-a ARRAYNAME Array name to populate (default: DSV)
-d DELIMS Separator character (one character only!)
-S Shell like (differences single or double quote)
-g Greedy (ignore leading and trailing delimiters)
-p Preserve quotes
is evilIf you try same string with one of other solution posted here:
Suggested by pmf:
unset arr; declare -a arr="($var)"
declare -p arr
Then command will dump my whole password file into array:
declare -a arr=([0]="my" [1]="Hello world." [2]="root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
" [3]="daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/usr/sbin/nologin" [4]="bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:
/usr/sbin/nologin" [5]="sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/usr/sbin/nologin" [6]="sync:x:4:6553
... 59 more lines ...
/usr/sbin/nologin" [122]="_lxd:x:107:117::/var/lib/lxd/:/bin/false")
Or other answer, suggested by Hamidreza Shafizadeh:
unset arr; eval "arr=($var)"
declare -p arr
Will render same array!
So you have to be confident with variable's content source!!!
.If you don't have bash-builtins installed, and still want some security, you could use sed
from Replace every comma not enclosed in a pair of double quotes:
IFS=$'\t' read -a arr < <(
sed -e ':a;s/^\(\("[^"]*"\|'\''[^'\'']*'\''\|[^" '\'']*\)*\) /\1\t/;ta' <<<"$var"
declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="hy" [1]="\"hello man\"" [2]="\$(</etc/passwd)")
in a function.string2arry() {
IFS=$'\t' read -a "$2" < <(
sed -e <<<"$1" \
':a;s/^\(\("[^"]*"\|'\''[^'\'']*'\''\|[^" '\'']*\)*\) /\1\t/;ta'
string2arry "$var" arr
declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="hy" [1]="\"hello man\"" [2]="\$(</etc/passwd)")
string2arry() {
local -i _i
local -n _res="$2"
IFS=$'\t' read -a _res < <(
sed -e <<<"$1" \
':a;s/^\(\("[^"]*"\|'\''[^'\'']*'\''\|[^" '\'']*\)*\) /\1\t/;ta'
for _i in ${!_res[@]}; do
lc=${_res[_i]::1} rc=${_res[_i]: -1}
[[ $lc == "$rc" ]] && [[ -z ${lc/[\'\"]} ]] &&
_res[_i]=${_res[_i]:1: -1}
string2arry "$var" arr
declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="hy" [1]="hello man" [2]="\$(</etc/passwd)")