
Pybind11 - Multiple definition of PyInit_module_name

Solved! - Please check the answer.

I wrote a library where headers and python bindings are auto-generated. For example dummy_bind.cpp for dummy_message.h and each _bind.cpp file has PYBIND11_MODULE call in it for their specific class. There are dozens of other _bind.cpp files for other headers. What should be the module name for each file when calling the PYBIND11_MODULE like:

PYBIND11_MODULE(protocol_name, m)
    /// …

If I use protocol_name in each PYBIND11_MODULE(protocol_name, m) call, when compiling I get multiple definition error like: multiple definition of PyInit_protocol_name. If I generate special module name for each message like PYBIND11_MODULE(protocol_name_dummy, m) the extension is compiled but I think I need to import each module one by one which is not viable.

Should I do all exports inside a single PYBIND11_MODULE call? Thanks in advance.


  • I've actually solved this by generating proxy functions in _bind.cpp files. For instance, in message1_bind.cpp I've defined a function void init_message1(pyinit11::module& m) and then in main_bind.cpp I call them all inside PYBIND11_MODULE(protocol_name, m) so I only have only one PYBIND11_MODULE() call. Here's a minimal example to describe the method better:


    #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
    #include "messages/message_1.h"
    void init_message1(pybind11::module& m)
        pybind11::class_<protocol_name::Message1>(m, "Message1").def(pybind11::init<>());
        m.def("serialize_message1", &protocol_name::serialize_message_1);
        m.def("deserialize_message1", &protocol_name::deserialize_message_1);

    And then inside main_bind.cpp

    #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
    #include "message1_bind.cpp"
    /// ... all other includes
    PYBIND11_MODULE(protocol_name, m)
        /// init_message2(m) and so on..