
How do I add counts to a stacked bar graph?

Here is my graph so far:

counts <- table(all_study$study, all_study$time_of_day_num)
barplot(counts, main="Distribution of Enrollment Time by Study for 24-25",
        ylab= "Count",  names.arg=c("Night", "Evening", "Day"))
legend(0.2,70, legend=c("MATIC","TCD-2","TROOP","Lublin","Microbiome"), 
       fill=c("orange","yellow","green","red","blue"), cex=0.75)

And here is what the graph looks like:


I am trying to figure out how to place the count of each study under each type of day. For example, it looks like there is about 25 Microbiomes under Night and 2 TROOP under Night. So I want the number 25 placed in the center of the blue bar for night and 2 squeezed into the green bar for night.

I have tried text() and things like stat='count' and more.


  • You could write an ymids() function, that calculates a cumulative sum, where the new element is always halved, i.e. x1/2, x1 + x2/2, x1 + x2 + x3/2, ... .

    > ymids <- \(x) {
    +   r <- numeric(length(x))
    +   for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
    +     if (i == 1) {
    +       r[i] <- x[i]/2
    +     } else {
    +       r[i] <- sum(x[seq_len(i - 1)]) + x[i]/2
    +     }
    +   }
    +   r
    + }
    > b <- barplot(counts, col=hcl.colors(4, alpha=.5))
    > text(b, t(apply(counts, 2, ymids)), labels=t(counts))

    enter image description here

    If you really want these grey labels you can invent sth with rect, but IMO it would just clutter the plot and adds no useful information.


    > dput(counts)
    structure(c(5L, 18L, 11L, 5L, 6L, 3L, 6L, 12L, 14L, 6L, 11L, 
    6L), dim = 4:3)