I am facing this error when serializing a selection using Rangy. I am running version 1.3.2 of Rangy and I am selecting text from the dom level. Has anyone come across this issue? I traced it deeper in the rangy library and found out that it only supportes textContent
and TextRange
type and not Range
. However, I am not sure where the Range
type is coming from. Any suggestion? The complete function is below.
const textHighlighter = ContentViewerBaseClass.getTextHighlighter()
const thisSelection = rangy.getSelection()
const highlightedText = thisSelection.text()
serializedData: textHighlighter.serialize(thisSelection),
public onAddHighlightToSelectedText(highlight: { color, fontColor }) {
const textHighlighter = ContentViewerBaseClass.getTextHighlighter()
const thisSelection = rangy.getSelection()
const highlightedText = thisSelection.text()
// Ensure no search highlight markup is overlapped
const allSearchMatchesMarkup =
const overlappingSearchMarkup = []
if (allSearchMatchesMarkup) {
for (const i of allSearchMatchesMarkup) {
if (thisSelection.containsNode(i, true)) {
let highlightTarget = null
if (this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF) {
highlightTarget = thisSelection.anchorNode.parentElement.closest(`[id^=page-]`)
} else {
highlightTarget = this.$refs.contentContainer
textHighlighter.highlightSelection(this.highlightClassName, {
selection: thisSelection,
containerElementId: highlightTarget.id,
// Create a unique id for this highlight
const thisHighlightId = `s${String(Date.now())}`
thisSelection.getRangeAt(0).getNodes([1], (el) => {
if (el && el.classList.contains(this.highlightClassName)) {
if (el.classList.contains(this.searchMarkupClassName)) {
// handle overlap of enriched item and highlighted search item
el = this.addOverlappingHighlightSearchTextIdToNode(el, thisHighlightId)
el.id = thisHighlightId
el.style.backgroundColor = highlight.color
if (this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF) {
el.style.color = 'transparent'
el.setAttribute('data-note', '')
this.annotatedElementClicked = el
return el
if (this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF) {
const pageDomElement =
if (pageDomElement) {
if (!this.isPdfContentInArrayFormat) {
this.currentPageId = pageDomElement.id.substring(pageDomElement.id.indexOf('-') + 1)
id: thisHighlightId,
type: EnrichmentType.HIGHLIGHT,
highlightColor: highlight.color,
noteAdded: '',
contentId: this.currentPageId || '',
pageId: this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF ? String(this.currentPageIndex + 1) :
pageTitle: this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF ? `Page ${this.currentPageIndex + 1}` :
pageIndex: this.currentPageIndex,
contentType: this.currentContentType,
timeAdded: String(Date.now()),
serializedData: textHighlighter.serialize(thisSelection),
} as IEnrichmentItem)
// Clear the text selection shading on the document
I fixed the problem by forcing the serializaer to use the type
it needed by adding. This is a workaround for now and someone has already opened an issue in the rangy GitHub repository re this issue.
thisSelection.type = 'textContent'
before calling it
thisSelection.type = 'textContent'
id: thisHighlightId,
type: EnrichmentType.HIGHLIGHT,
highlightColor: highlight.color,
noteAdded: '',
contentId: this.currentPageId || '',
pageId: this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF ? String(this.currentPageIndex + 1) :
pageTitle: this.currentContentType === ContentType.PDF ? `Page ${this.currentPageIndex + 1}` :
pageIndex: this.currentPageIndex,
contentType: this.currentContentType,
timeAdded: String(Date.now()),
serializedData: textHighlighter.serialize(thisSelection),
} as IEnrichmentItem)