
Sum of array elements - program freezes (Easy68K)

I am trying to write a program in Easy68K to calculate the sum of the elements of an array, but it freezes at:

Screenshot of the error

Maybe I didn't fully understand how a0, (a0), and the sum work. How can I fix it?

Here is my code:

            ORG $8000

array DC 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  ; DC reserves 4 bytes for each element
                                ; $8000 -> 1, $8004 -> 2, etc.
len EQU 10                     ; Number of elements in the array
sum DC 0                       ; Variable to store the sum

      suba.l a0,a0              ; Clear register A0 (set to 0)
      clr d1
      clr d0
      movea array,a0            ; Load the address of 'array' into A0
      move len,d1
      move sum,d0

     TST d1                     ; Check if D1 (counter) is zero
     beq END                    ; If zero, exit the loop

     move (a0),d5               ; Load the value at address A0 into D5
     add d5,d0                  ; Add D5 to D0 (accumulate sum)
     addq #4,a0                 ; Move to the next element in the array (4-byte step)
     subq #1,d1                 ; Decrease the loop counter by 1
     bra LOOP



    END     START


  • array DC 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  ; DC reserves 4 bytes for each element  

    Don't omit the size specifier from your directives and instructions! From the screenshot it is clear that a naked DC reserves just a 2-byte word and not the 4 bytes that you claim and use thoughout your program.

    suba.l a0,a0              ; Clear register A0 (set to 0)
    clr d1                    
    clr d0 

    No need for clearing these if you're going to assign them in full.

    move (a0),d5               ; Load the value at address A0 into D5
    add d5,d0                  ; Add D5 to D0 (accumulate sum)
    addq #4,a0                 ; Move to the next element in the array (4-byte step)

    There's no need for a separate increment of the address register. 68k has the "post-increment" addressing mode that does that automatically:

    move.l (a0)+, d5   ; Load the value at address A0 into D5
    add.l  d5,d0       ; Add D5 to D0 (accumulate sum)

    This code should work:

    ORG $8000
    array DC.l 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ; DC.l reserves 4 bytes for each element
    sum   DC.l 0
      lea.l   array, a0             ; Load the address of 'array' into A0
      move.b  #10, d1
      clr.l   d0
      add.l   (a0)+, d0             ; Add longword at A0 to D0, and post-increment A0 by 4
      subq.b  #1, d1                ; Decrease the loop counter by 1
      bne.s   LOOP
      move.l  d0, sum               ; Copy to memory-based variable (should it be needed)