
Excel VBA connect to postgres with run-time error at recordset.Open

Trying to connect to a postgres database in 32 bit Excel (2016) VBA I get the runtime error, when the code comes to the line with the recordset being opened to pass through an SQL string:

(in german)

Laufzeitfehler '-2147467259 (80004005)':


Unbekannter Fehler

(can be translated to)

Runtime error '-2147467259 (80004005)':

error in automation

unknown error

My code looks like this:

Sub go()

Dim cn As Object
Dim rs As Object

Dim name As String
Dim pwd As String
Dim ip As String
Dim db As String

name = "postgres"
pwd = "secretPwd"
ip = ""
db = "test"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI};" & "DSN=PostgreSQL30;" & "Database=" & db & ";" & "SERVER=" & ip & ";" & "Uid=" & name & ";" & "Pwd=" & pwd

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM hi", cn


End Sub

The postgres database name and location seem to be correct and found. In the 32 bit ODBC data source admin tool I was able to add a DNS and test the inserted data succesfully.

With the tool PGAdmin I was able to test the SQL string "SELECT * FROM hi" and there I get some resulting rows.

The VBA code works until the Open Method of the record set. There I get a runtime error. The ADODB.Connection object can be opened - apparently. If I use another DSN name, which is not defined via the 32 bit ODBC admin tool, it still seems to work. If I change the ip-Address or database name, I get the runtime error when calling the Open method of the ADODB.Connection object (which makes sense). Using "PostgreSQL UNICODE" as Driver string does work - changing it to something random causes a runtime error at this point. But I do not understand, why a randow DSN string does not cause a failure.

If the code goes beyond the Open method of the ADODB.Connection object, it fails at the Open method of the ADODB.RecordSet.

How can I check, if the ADODB.Connection object really is working? Is there another reason, why the Open method of the ADODB.RecordSet fails?


  • I've never used Postgres but is it possible you need to scope that table name hi with some kind of domain/schema? PGAdmin may do that for you automatically.

    See for example Set deafult schema while querying in pgAdmin 4 with query tool


    select * from SchemaHere.hi