
pyautogui - drag & pyautogui.easeOutQuad

I try to use the "Tween / Easing Functions" in pyautogui drag. I understand that it is supported to have the option in a mouse drag. I use Python 3.11.2 on a Raspberry4. I try in various (I think all) orders the parameter without success:

pyautogui.drag(xOffset=0, yOffset=-20, button='left', pyautogui.easeOutQuad ,duration=2) 

my Error msg :

SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

the drag function work fine without the pyautogui.easeOutQuad parameter.

pyauto gui docs for reference:

any help to get it running is welcome. Thanks a lot for looking into my issue.


  • If in function you use "keyword parameter" (name=value) in some place then next parameters (after "keyword parameter") also have to be "keyword parameter" but you use positional parameter pyautogui.easeOutQuad after "keyword parameter" button='left' and this gives error "positional argument follows keyword argument"

    In documentation I can't find what name it should use for pyautogui.easeOutQuad but using help(pyautogui.drag) I got

        tween=<function linear at 0x7c7b361ad3a0>,
        Performs a mouse drag (mouse movement while a button is held down) to a
        point on the screen, relative to its current position.
        The x and y parameters detail where the mouse event happens. If None, the
        current mouse position is used. If a float value, it is rounded down. If
        outside the boundaries of the screen, the event happens at edge of the
          x (int, float, None, tuple, optional): How far left (for negative values) or
            right (for positive values) to move the cursor. 0 by default. If tuple, this is used for xOffset and yOffset.
          y (int, float, None, optional): How far up (for negative values) or
            down (for positive values) to move the cursor. 0 by default.
          duration (float, optional): The amount of time it takes to move the mouse
            cursor to the new xy coordinates. If 0, then the mouse cursor is moved
            instantaneously. 0.0 by default.
          tween (func, optional): The tweening function used if the duration is not
            0. A linear tween is used by default.
          button (str, int, optional): The mouse button released. TODO
          mouseDownUp (True, False): When true, the mouseUp/Down actions are not performed.
            Which allows dragging over multiple (small) actions. 'True' by default.

    So I expect it has to use tween=pyautogui.easeOutQuad

    pyautogui.drag(xOffset=0, yOffset=-20, button='left', tween=pyautogui.easeOutQuad, duration=2)

    or you have to use positional parameters in correct order like in documentation - duration, tween, button instead of button, tween, duration.

    pyautogui.drag(0, -20, 2, pyautogui.easeOutQuad, 'left')


    pyautogui.drag(0, -20, 2, pyautogui.easeOutQuad, button='left')