On our site we have a list of addresses that the user can click to prepopulate that address into input fields. This is just basic html and J.S. The issue is that on Google Chrome if you tap the address google chrome opens up a google maps popup with the address showing in a map and a button to get directions etc.
The elements in question look like this:
<div role="option" tabindex="-1" id="address_list_item0">25 George Bush Blvd Apt E<span class="description">Delray Beach FL 33444-4067</span></div>
So it's not like it's a link with nav coordinates or anything which I would expect google maps to pick up.
I've not had any luck finding anyway to disable this feature via HTML online. Has anyone had any experience with this and managed to disable it?
I got chrome and google maps to stop adding in the links to google maps by using the format detection meta tag.
<meta name="format-detection" content="address=no">
I also added some css for any links within my itemised div to stop any injected links becoming clickable with pointer-events: none;
Now there is no accidently opening of google maps search on addresses.