
MySQL Group rows that have the same values in one column

I have a table of names & data with a category column, what's the best way to generate a query result that will group all rows under the same category?

Category Name Other Data
First Steve Other Data
First Alex Other Data
Second John Other Data
Second Nicole Other Data
Second Carrie Other Data
Third Michael Other Data

This is the result array I want:

  'First' => [
    ['Name' => 'Steve', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],
    ['Name' => 'Alex', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],
  'Second' => [
    ['Name' => 'John', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],
    ['Name' => 'Nicole', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],
    ['Name' => 'Carrie', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],
  'Third' => [
    ['Name' => 'Michael', 'Other Date' => 'Other Data'],

Thank you!


  • You can use PDO and query it with your Category as the first result column, then combining the FETCH_ASSOC with the FETCH_GROUP mode, the later on fetchAll():

    $array = $pdo
            "SELECT Category, Name, `Other Data` FROM `Your Table` ORDER BY Category",

    This gives you the array you have in your question.

    array(3) {
      array(2) {
        array(2) {
          string(5) "Steve"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"
        array(2) {
          string(4) "Alex"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"
      array(3) {
        array(2) {
          string(4) "John"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"
        array(2) {
          string(6) "Nicole"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"
        array(2) {
          string(6) "Carrie"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"
      array(1) {
        array(2) {
          string(7) "Michael"
          ["Other Data"]=>
          string(10) "Other Data"