
Stack rank changed automatically for many work-items in Azure Devops under my name but unable to track why

According to answer in Stack rank changed automatically for many work-items in Azure Devops

It says that due to any change in the workitems there will be a change in the stack ran.

But what i dont understand i have chaged only 2 work items from doing to done and again moved them from done to doing.

and i have checked more than 20+ work items all have a change of stack rank.

i have checked the pipelines and associated branches and repositories ran at that time frame but none of the repositories and branches are attached to the affected work items which is making me suspicious.


  • But what i dont understand i have chaged only 2 work items from doing to done and again moved them from done to doing.

    According to my test, if I change the state on a specific work item page, the Stack Rank will not change. However, if I change the state by dragging on the Boards page, the Stack Rank may change, because this operation may change the relative ranking of the work item, and thus the Stack Rank will change accordingly. See below example for better understanding.

    1. Below are the initial Boards and Backlog. enter image description here

    2. If I change the state from the work item page of "Team4U2", the order in Backlog doesn't change, nor does the Stack Rank of the work item. enter image description here

    3. If I change the state of "Team4U2" by dragging on the Boards page, even though the position is the same, but the order in the Backlog has changed, the Stack Rank will also change.

      enter image description here

    The above is just a simple example. Dragging a work item will not only change the Stack Rank of the work item itself, sometimes, it also affects the relative ranking of other work items, thereby changing their Stack Rank.