
How can I see the blocking/is blocked relationship on issues via Gitlab API?

By using Gitlab API, I am able to get most information from an issue, but some information is missing on the blocking/is blocked relationship.

On Windows, I use the following command to access information on all issues:

$Headers = @{"PRIVATE-TOKEN" = "XXX"}
$Url = ""
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Headers $Headers -Method Get

There a is a lot on information, but I can only have a number (blocking_issue_count) indicating how many issues this issue is blocking.

I would need to get at least the ID of the issues being blocked by this issue. I would also need to know what are the issues that are blocking this issue.

I assume this information is available through the API since it is on the web version. But I cannot find any information on how to access it via the documentation.



  • check out the Issue links API - to get specifics about linked items.