I'm deploying a container on Google Cloud Run, the container serves formally an Express server (NestJS).
In my application I declared 2 routes (and I tried with several names).
Every route responds to both "/foo" and "/foo/", except "healthz".
This only works with the final slash.
Needless to say: if I serve locally it works both ways
I even tried to customize the probe (changing from the default, which should be healthz), but still, the new path answers correctly w/ or w/out trailing slash.
Only healthz keeps behaving weird.
Any idea why?
An interesting thing I notice is this:
/healthz/ (200)
/healthz (404)
The responses don't seem to be from the same server, so healthz doesn't even get to the container
This is the expected behavior. As per the documentation
It is not possible to use the following URL paths:
Paths starting with /_ah/
Some paths ending with z. We recommend avoiding all paths that end in z to not collide with reserved paths.