I have a c++ program on windows that uses SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() at the very start of the program.
The intent is that the unhandledExceptionHandler
will store a minidump to disk and then the program will terminate.
In this top-level use-case, I am confused by the possible return values of the exception handler.
? There are no other exception handlers to bubble up to (or are there?).
It's used in the microsoft example but it is unclear what that handler does, since there is no __except
block when using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
What are in this case the differences between
in the unhandledExceptionHandler
Example of the program structure:
LONG WINAPI unhandledExceptionHandler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* apExceptionInfo)
/* Save a Minidump */
// ...
/* Terminate */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef WIN32
// Enables an application to supersede the top-level exception handler of each thread of a process.
// After calling this function, if an exception occurs in a process that is not being debugged,
// and the exception makes it to the unhandled exception filter,
// that filter will call the exception filter function specified by the lpTopLevelExceptionFilter parameter.
// Source:
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/errhandlingapi/nf-errhandlingapi-setunhandledexceptionfilter
// related TODO: Do we compile with /EHa ? https://stackoverflow.com/a/4574319/2550406
// "When you want to make your objects safe for these kind of exceptions as well then you'll need to use /EHa, that tells the compiler to always register the exception filter.
// Beware of a nasty side-effect of /EHa, it makes catch(...) swallow all exceptions. Including the ones you should never catch, like AV and SO."
return runTheProgram();
Short answer:
To only store a minidump and do not change normal behavior, just store the minidump and return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH
. But pay attention that in some cases your process won't be terminated after executing the filter.
Long answer:
The purpose of calling SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
is to set a filter, not handler.
The filter should tell the runtime if in case of specific exception the program should:
. You can use this option if and only if you can recover the process from error state.Do not call std::terminate() in the filter function. It would be like:
Operating system:
Hey process, we encountered an error, what we should do? Would you like me to sort out the situation for you?Process:
Oh no, I'm in a panic!
[process terminated]Operating system: