
Issue with Best practice, Wordpress and Page Insights

When I scan my Wordpress websites with the PageSpeed Insights I get issue on the check of Best practice.

I'm unable to fix this issue.

I tried to comment the two lines in wp-config.php
// define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); // define('DB_COLLATE', '');
but scanning again still give the same issue results.

Websites seems is showed correctly, I don't see any text issue, the only issue is what is showed by PageSpeed Insights. This may influence the SEO position of the website I suppose. I want try to fix this but I don't know how to do.

Looking into the database I can see there is different encoding enter image description here

Is maybe this the issue? I don't wanna broke the website and I don't know if a database edit is necessary and how and what to do.


  • The issue was caused by Gtranslate plugin. Unistalled and issue was resolved. With the plugin active and auto translation active the PageSpeed Best practice test was not passed.