I am coding in python a bot to publish in X some graphics. I've tried 100 ways but i don't get it.... The authentication goes fine and also (or so I think) upload the image with 'media_upload' but when I run 'create_tweet' always the same error:
The media ID is: 1895739426753396736
Error Twitter: 400 Bad Request
Your media IDs are invalid.
That's the code:
#V1.1 Twitter API Authentication
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#V2 Twitter API Authentication
client = tweepy.Client(
def publicate_twitter(tweet_text):
media_path = "C:\\Users\\jonca\\Documents\\Python_Files\\final_graph.png"
# Upload image with API v1.1
media_id = api.media_upload(filename=media_path).media_id_string
print("The media ID is: ", media_id)
# Create with API v2
client.create_tweet(text=tweet_text, media_ids=[media_id])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error Twitter: {e}")
Nothing like uploading a post to find the 'error'...my image weighed 2.7MB and measured 4646x8817....when I tried with a 1MB and 1858x3526 image it was OK... I think the problem was the size of the image.... Solved!