
Insert with roles

i've implemented an insert policy checking auth_role with a function, this worked with other projects that i've made but since yesterday if i do a request inserting another row into the table question_types, returns 403 error.

Fun facts:

    SELECT 1
    FROM user_roles ur
    JOIN roles r ON ur.role_id =
    WHERE ur.user_id = <USER_ID> AND = 'advisor'
create table public.question_types (
  id integer primary key generated always as identity,
  question_id integer references public.questions(id) on delete cascade,
  evaluation_type_id integer references public.evaluation_types(id) on delete cascade,
  created_at timestamp with time zone default now(),
  updated_at timestamp with time zone default now()

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION auth_role(role_name text)
RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
    SELECT 1
    FROM user_roles ur
    JOIN roles r ON ur.role_id =
    WHERE ur.user_id = auth.uid() AND = role_name

alter table public.question_types
 enable row level security;

CREATE POLICY "Insert can be done by authenticated users." ON public.question_types
FOR INSERT TO authenticated
WITH CHECK (auth_role('superadmin'));

CREATE POLICY "Insert can be done by authenticated users advisor." ON public.question_types
FOR INSERT TO authenticated 
WITH CHECK (auth_role('advisor'));


  • i have missed to put a select policy to authenticated users on roles table.

    CREATE POLICY "Only authenticated can view the roles." 
    ON public.roles
    FOR SELECT TO authenticated

    The bug was related to the last RLS policy created:

    CREATE POLICY "Only authenticated can view the roles." 
    ON public.roles
    FOR SELECT TO authenticated

    So i guess that when the user was trying to insert a new row question_types the last flow checked the auth_role before insert, checking roles table but, the RLS from that table did not allow to select any row from roles table if the user wasn't superadmin

     SELECT 1
        FROM user_roles ur
        JOIN roles r ON ur.role_id =
        WHERE ur.user_id = auth.uid() AND = role_name