So I created a custom interaction for the Unity New Input System, which allows me to hold a button and charge an attack, and then release the button when the threshold has been reached to launch the charged attack. However, I am unable to actually send a message or detect when the hold threshold has been reached.
I want to be able to use that information to either update the UI, or something. Could use help figuring out what's wrong with this implementation.
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
public class HoldAndReleaseInteraction : IInputInteraction
//Above this value a tap is pressed
public float pressPoint = 0.5f;
public float holdTime = 1.0f; // Time required to hold before release is valid
float buttonPressCounter;
private float pressTime;
private bool isHolding = false;
static HoldAndReleaseInteraction()
public void Process(ref InputInteractionContext context)
if (context.ControlIsActuated(pressPoint)) // Button is pressed
if (!isHolding)
isHolding = true;
pressTime = Time.time;
context.Started(); // Register that the hold has started
if (Time.time - pressTime >= holdTime)
//context.Performed(); // Action triggers on release
else if (isHolding) // Button is released
if (Time.time - pressTime >= holdTime)
context.Performed(); // Action triggers on release
context.Canceled(); // Release was too early
Reset(); // Reset state for next interaction
public void Reset()
isHolding = false;
So I figured out how to solve this. Posting it here incase someone has this issue and comes across the question
I basically just created a static function inside of another class that takes in the hold time and the isHolding bool, and from there I run a coroutine that uses the holdTime for a wait time, and thus I can trigger the message.
public static void HoldAttackCheck(bool isHolding, float holdTime)
holdingAttack = isHolding;
holdingTimeParam = holdTime;
public void Process(ref InputInteractionContext context)
if (context.ControlIsActuated(pressPoint)) // Button is pressed
if (!isHolding)
isHolding = true;
SpecialAttackSystem.HoldAttackCheck(isHolding, holdTime);
pressTime = Time.time;
context.Started(); // Register that the hold has started
else if (isHolding) // Button is released
if (Time.time - pressTime >= holdTime)
context.Performed(); // Action triggers on release
SpecialAttackSystem.HoldAttackCheck(!isHolding, holdTime);
context.Canceled(); // Release was too early
Reset(); // Reset state for next interaction
public void Reset()
isHolding = false;
**SpecialAttackSystem.HoldAttackCheck(isHolding, holdTime);**
yield return new WaitForSeconds(holdingTimeParam);
if (holdingAttack)
Debug.Log("Charged Attack!");
else if (!holdingAttack)
Debug.Log("Not Charging!");