
Google Sheets Query Clause: Calculate Item average sale price

I have a large table of 20 columns that contain 3 important columns of sales data by sales staff: Name, Qty, and Average sale price (designated Col1, Col2, Col3, respectively). To calculate average sale price of item using standard formula, I use =Sumproduct(C4:C8, D4:D8)/Sum(C4:C8), which gives a price of $13.52.

I tried to write a matching Query clause in D16 to calculate average sale price of item using: Query(B4:D8, "Select Sum(Col2*Col3)/Sum(Col2)").

However, this generates a "parsing" error" (see D18). Clearly, Summing product of 2 columns together then dividing by sum of one column requires a certain syntax. Are helper columns required? Any help with this one? Please note this has to be in a Query statement (Not SUMIF or Filter statements please). Here is the link to the sheet.

Thank you all for your help. Badr


  • Add a Helper Column

    Apparently, there is no documentation about the sum of products feature for Google Sheets QUERY function. In your case, a helper column added to the input of the QUERY function is a good workaround. Simply create a helper column for the product of Column C and Column D. The formula should look like this:

    =QUERY({ARRAYFORMULA(C4:C8*D4:D8),C4:C8},"SELECT SUM(Col1)/SUM(Col2)")


    Name Qty Avg. Price
    John 4 13
    Mary 6 14.2
    Mary 9 13.6
    Steve 3 13.3
    Steve 4 13.1


    quotient(sum sum )

    To remove the header, you may add the INDEX at the beginning of the formula:


    Wherein the output will be a single cell with the value of 13.53461538.

    NOTE: If you want, you may opt to file a feature request to add a sum of products feature for the Google Sheets Query function using this link.