I'm porting a tiny experimental 80286 kernel from pure assembler (NASM) to assembler+C (NASM+Open Watcom 1.9). Boot sector code loads the BIN kernel image at address 0x010000 and then jumps to that address.
The kernel code, after segs/stack initialization, prints a message: when addressing the message (char*), sometimes the first char is skipped: the print function (puts) begins to print from the 2nd char onwards. Other times, everything is OK: the string is printed starting from the 1st char.
Expected output:
Actual output:
ASM startup code is:
mov ax, 0x1000
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFE
mov bp, sp
call main_
jmp _halt
C code is:
void puts( char* s )
while( *s )
putc( *s++ );
void main( void )
puts( "Hello!" );
Then I have a simple BIOS helper function:
global _putc
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ax
push bx
mov ah, 0x0E
mov al, [bp+4]
mov bh, 0
mov bl, 0
int 0x10
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
NASM command lines are:
nasm -f obj os/src/start.asm -o os/obj/start.obj
nasm -f obj os/src/bios.asm -o os/obj/bios.obj
OW command lines are:
wcc -d0 -wx -we -ecc -ei -zpw -2 -od -zl -zld -zls -s os/src/main.c -fo=os/obj/main.obj
wlink @os.lnk
FILE os/obj/start.obj
FILE os/obj/main.obj
FILE os/obj/bios.obj
NAME os/bin/os.bin
OPTION MAP=os/lst/os.map
I discovered that the behaviour depends on the lenght in bytes of the code (text): when everything works, just adding a single (or uneven number of) nop
instruction somewhere in the code (C or ASM doesn't matter) produces the wrong behaviour. And vice versa. [nop
takes only one byte]
Inspecting the assembler code (with WDISM or NDISASM), it seems that WLINK resolves the address of the string message always rounding to even addresses.
I'm a very newbie with OW, so it's highly probable that I'm missing something in the linker parameters; or in the segment specifiers of ASM and C code. Any help will be appreciated.
This is indeed a bug. It seems that it was addressed in OW 2.0 in February 2019, as reported in this post. I recompiled and linked with Open Watcom 2.0 and it worked as expected.