I have a Rails 8 application which is using Inertia.js and Vue. I am not sure how to implement a redirect_to()
request using Inertia.js within Rails. My attempts are not working. I am using https://github.com/skryukov/inertia_rails-contrib
in integrating Inertia.js into Rails.
Github repo is at https://github.com/Chrisgo-75/rails8_inertiajs_vuejs
The worflow is
a) HTML button "Add to Cart" is found on /app/frontend/pages/Store/Index.vue
# /app/frontend/pages/Store/Index.vue
class="ml-4 rounded-lg py-1 px-2 text-white bg-green-600"
Add to Cart
<script setup lang="ts">
import axios from "axios";
import { router } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
const addToCart = async (productId: number) => {
try {
const response = await axios.post('/line_items',
{ product_id: productId },
{ headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken } } // Include CSRF token
alert('Product added to cart!');
// Extract the cart ID from the response.
const cartId = response.data.cart_id;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error adding to cart: ', error);
alert('Failed to add product to cart.');
b) Clicking the "Add to Cart" button goes to /app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb
Create Controller action.
back to Vue as JSON.# line_items_controller.rb
def create
product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
@line_item = @cart.line_items.build(product: product)
if @line_item.save
# redirect_to @line_item.cart, notice: "Line item was successfully created."
# redirect_to @cart, notice: "Cart was successfully updated."
# redirect_to inertia: cart_path(@cart), notice: "Cart was successfully updated."
render json: { cart_id: @cart.id }
# redirect_to new_line_item_url, inertia: { errors: @line_item.errors }
# render inertia: "Carts/Show", props: { cart: @cart, errors: @line_item.errors }
render json: { errors: @line_item.errors.full_messages },
status: :unprocessable_entity
end # END def create
c) The LineItems Controller Create action passes cart_id
back to /app/frontend/pages/Store/Index.vue
where it performs router.visit('/carts/${cartId}')
Does anyone have a solution for implementing a redirect_to()
Inertia.js request within Rails?
Axios does redirect but you have to handle the final response yourself, which is what you're doing when you render
instead of a redirect.
Inertia provides an api for manual requests and it handles redirects and page updates. Instead of axios.post
do this:
<button @click="addToCart(product.id)">
Add to Cart
<script setup>
import { router } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
const addToCart = (product_id) => {
router.visit('/line_items', {
method: 'POST',
data: { product_id },
Or use Link
:data="{ product_id: product.id }"
Add to Cart
<script setup>
import { Link } from '@inertiajs/vue3'