assuming that there are multiple ajax requests that need to execute one by one sequentially, the next one should be called when the previous is done. I can achieve that by using the concatMap
RxJs function, right? The question is how should I wait for all of the ajax requests passed to the concatMap
to complete?
from(elementsList).pipe(concatMap((elem) => this.simpleFunc(elem)))).subscribe();
should be something like: waitForAll
or can I somehow use it in combination with forkJoin
You can use toArray
to convert all the emissions to a single output.
concatMap((elem) => this.simpleFunc(elem)),
If you do not care about the output and just want to react to the last emissions, then use last
concatMap((elem) => this.simpleFunc(elem)),
performs all the operations in parallel, so it contradicts your requirements.