I've narrowed the issue down to something in my Flyout
menu xaml code, but cannot pinpoint the cause. My xaml:
<HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Start" HeightRequest="50" >
<Image Source="addEmployee.jpg" Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="AddEmployee" Text="Add Employee" Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}" />
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnMenuItemTap" CommandParameter="Add Another Participant"/>
<HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Start" HeightRequest="50">
<Image Source="assign.jpg" Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="Assign" Text="Assign Employee To Section" Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}" />
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnMenuItemTap" CommandParameter="Re-Register"/>
<HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Start" HeightRequest="50">
<Image Source="text.jpg" Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="sendtext" Text="Send Text" Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}" />
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnMenuItemTap" CommandParameter="ChatRoom"/>
<HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Start" HeightRequest="50">
<Image Source="myaccount.jpg" Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="MyAccount" Text="My Account" Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}" />
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnMenuItemTap" CommandParameter="My Account"/>
<HorizontalStackLayout HorizontalOptions="Start" HeightRequest="50">
<Image Source="myaccount.jpg" Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}" />
<Label x:Name="LogOut" Text="Log Off" Style="{StaticResource LabelStyle}" />
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="OnMenuItemTap" CommandParameter="Log Off"/>
When I comment out the Flyout
code, the app will run outside the debugger. I dumped the test device crash log, I found this in it:
03-05 20:52:00.570 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION:
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: Android.Runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: Exception of type 'Android.Runtime.JavaProxyThrowable' was thrown.
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid:
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: --- End of managed Android.Runtime.JavaProxyThrowable stack trace ---
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: [System.InvalidCastException]: Specified cast is not valid.
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ApplyPropertiesVisitor.SetPropertyValue + 0xb9(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ApplyPropertiesVisitor.Visit + 0xf6(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x90(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x3e(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x67(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.575 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x67(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x67(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ElementNode.Accept + 0x67(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.RootNode.Accept + 0x81(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.XamlLoader.Visit + 0x97(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.XamlLoader.Load + 0x9d(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.XamlLoader.Load + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.XamlLoader.Load + 0x29(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Extensions.LoadFromXaml + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at MyApp.RegUser.InitializeComponent + 0x1(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at MyApp.RegUser..ctor + 0xa0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at MyApp.Logon+<SignOn>d__6.MoveNext + 0x7b6(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw + 0x11(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess + 0x37(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification + 0x2d(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd + 0x8(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at MyApp.Logon+<<OnCounterClicked>b__5_0>d.MoveNext + 0x73(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw + 0x11(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess + 0x37(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification + 0x2d(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd + 0x8(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at MyApp.Logon+<OnCounterClicked>d__5.MoveNext + 0xf4(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw + 0x11(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task+<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_0 + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Android.App.SyncContext+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<Post>b__0 + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Java.Lang.Thread+RunnableImplementor.Run + 0x8(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker.n_Run + 0x0(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V + 0x5(Unknown Source)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at mono.java.lang.RunnableImplementor.n_run(Native Method)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at mono.java.lang.RunnableImplementor.run(RunnableImplementor.java:29)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:230)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:319)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:9063)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:588)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1103)
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid:
03-05 20:52:00.576 10573 4825 4825 I MonoDroid: --- End of managed Android.Runtime.JavaProxyThrowable stack trace ---
An error is caught on this line Specified cast is not valid. at Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.ApplyPropertiesVisitor.SetPropertyValue + 0xb9(Unknown Source)
I don't see any information in there that pinpoints the cast exception. Perhaps another set of eyes will.
I commented out lines of code one by one until the app would run without crashing outside the debugger. It turns out the line Style="{StaticResource IconLabelStyle}`
in each of the Image
tags is the source of the crash. The definition for the style is contained in the ResourceDictionary
I posted below.
<Style x:Key="IconLabelStyle" TargetType="Label"\>
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="Medium" /\>
<Setter Property="WidthRequest" Value="50" /\>
<Setter Property="VerticalTextAlignment" Value="Center" /\>
<Setter Property="HorizontalTextAlignment" Value="Center" /\>
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="Black" /\>
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Gold" /\>
<Style x:Key="LabelStyle" TargetType="Label"\>
<Setter Property="VerticalTextAlignment" Value="Center" /\>
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="5,5" /\>
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="Medium" /\>
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Gold" /\>
As you can see, The ResourceDictionary TargetType
= Label
, definitely not a label. Apparently the compiler isn't able to pick these things up. Would have saved me a lot of time. I added an Image
style to the ResourceDisctionary
, it's now:
<Style x:Key="IconImageStyle" TargetType="Image">
<Setter Property="WidthRequest" Value="20" />
<Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="20"/>
<Setter Property="VerticalOptions" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="HorizontalOptions" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Gold" />
<Style x:Key="IconLabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="Medium" />
<Setter Property="WidthRequest" Value="50" />
<Setter Property="VerticalTextAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="HorizontalTextAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="Black" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Gold" />
<Style x:Key="LabelStyle" TargetType="Label">
<Setter Property="VerticalTextAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="5,5" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="Medium" />
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Gold" />