I have an image (coverage badge, svg) which is published to GitHub pages, and I'm trying to display it on Readme.md. That works for a repository where I deploy to GH pages with a workflow from a master branch and which has pages URL sth like myorganisation.github.io/my-repo.
But the image is not showing in Readme for another repository where the deployment source is "branch", even though I am still deploying with a workflow, and for some reason it gets pages URL like funky-einstein-lala.pages.github.io. The image really is there (on funky-einstein-lala.pages.github.io/jacoco.svg) but on Readme.md, it doesn't show up. This really seems to be related to the fact that something is different with the second url, because when I try to include the second url to the picture in any of the Readme.mds, it is not showing the picture. What is the reason / how to solve it?
Now I realized that the link of the second repo is private, and the first one is public, so I guess that could be the reason behind it.