
Finding the longest (or all) intersection(s) in word level of two strings in Swift 3

Assume two strings:

What is the best way to find the longest "intersection" (or all possible intersections) in word level of two strings in Swift? In the previous case it would be: "a beautiful princess".


  • Here is a basic approach to get a word level intersection of two strings. It's based on a matrix that contains all ordered matches of the strings:

    extension String {
      func intersection(_ text: String) -> [String] {
        var set = Set<[Substring]>()
        let first = split(separator: " ")
        let second = text.split(separator: " ")
        var matrix = [[Substring?]](repeating: [Substring?](repeating: nil, count: second.count), count: first.count)
        func prefix(_ i: Int, _ j: Int, _ suffix: [Substring]) -> [Substring] {
          guard i > 0 && j > 0, let sub = matrix[i - 1][j - 1] else {
            return suffix
          return prefix(i - 1, j - 1, [sub] + suffix)
        for i in 0..<first.count {
          let sub = first[i]
          for j in 0..<second.count {
            guard sub == second[j] else {
            matrix[i][j] = sub
            let items = prefix(i, j, [sub])
            if items.count > 1 {
        return set.map { $0.joined(separator: " ") }

    With your string it produces the following result:

    let text1 = "Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Snow white..."
    let text2 = "Of course it was a time for a beautiful princess to become one..."
    let set = text1.intersection(text2)
    print(set) // ["a time", "was a", "a beautiful princess"]