
C++ nonmember binary operator with private inheritance

As has been pointed out elsewhere, the community thinks C++ binary operators like == should be nonmember functions. This presents a problem for me with private inheritance.

#include <cassert>

class Parent
    Parent(int arg = 0) {}
    int member() const { return member_; }
    int member_;

bool operator== (const Parent& a, const Parent& b) { return a.member() == b.member(); }

class Child : private Parent
    Child(int arg = 0) : Parent(arg) {}

bool operator== (const Child& a, const Child& b)
    return static_cast<const Parent&> (a) == static_cast<const Parent&> (b);

int main()
    assert(Child(1) == Child(1));

Having Child's operator== call Parent's is trivial if operator== is a member, but done this way, C++ complains that conversion from Child to Parent is inaccessible (as it should be).

Does the community have a fix, or do I do my own hack?


  • The most common way of doing this is to write a normally-named member function that implements the predicate; the binary operator just calls that function.

    struct parent {
        bool equals(const parent& other) const {
            return _member == other._member;
    bool operator==(const parent& lhs, const parent& rhs) {
        return lhs.equals(rhs);
    struct child : private parent {
        bool equals(const child& other) const {
            return parent::equals(other);
    bool operator==(const child& lhs, const child& rhs) {
        return lhs.equals(rhs);