
How can I create a replay loop from different cells?

I am developing an expiration control that should send notices to people that the documents are close to expiration, there are documents that should be charged 180 days before the expiration date and others with only 30 days, the idea is that this VBA instead of sending 1200 documents in several emails, send a list of expired documents to people, for example: to analyst Valeria we must send the collection of more than 100 documents that are expired, but instead of sending 100 emails, create a list and send it in a single email leaving its management in copy. Below is the code and photo of the spreadsheet:

I made this code, but it is not meeting my real need:

    Sub alerta_email()

Dim MeuOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim CriarEmail As Outlook.MailItem


Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""

If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value < Range ("F14").Value or ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value < Range ("F15").Value Then

Set MeuOutlook = New Outlook.Application
Set CriarEmail = MeuOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With CriarEmail
     .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
     .HTMLBody = "Automatic alert" & "<br>" & "The document: " _
     & ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value & " Belonging to the group " _
     & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Value & " It will expire in " _
     & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value & " days."
     .To = Range("N14").Value
     .CC = Range ("O14").Value
     .Subject = "Contract expiration alert: " & 
      ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Value
End With

End If

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select


MsgBox ("Alert sent successfully")

End Sub

When I run the macro it is also considering the documents that are not expired. And the entire list she is considering sending only to Ana and her manager, instead of considering another analyst and another manager of this analyst.

Workbook]1 Workbook 2]2

Nome Ano de vencimento Dias para renovaƧao Garantia Analista Supervisor
ABC 09/08/2023 180 Promissory note valeria123@gmail.com joao2023@gmail.com
DEF 22/07/2023 30 Promissory note lucianeabc@gmail.com joao2023@gmail.com
GHI 22/07/1931 30 Insurance policy gabriel1994@hotmail.com joao2023@gmail.com
JKL 14/05/1932 30 Insurance policy valeria123@gmail.com julianajkl@gmail.com
MNO 22/05/2024 30 Promissory note gabriel1994@hotmail.com julianajkl@gmail.com
PQR 22/07/1931 30 Promissory note valeria123@gmail.com julianajkl@gmail.com


  • Assuming your analista column is properly sort and that column P is avaiable, try this:

    Option Explicit
    Sub alerta_email()
        Dim MeuOutlook As Outlook.Application
        Dim CriarEmail As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim RngDataVencimento As Range
        Dim RngDiaMargem As Range
        Dim RngMailAnalista As Range
        Dim RngMailSupervisor As Range
        Dim RngGarantia As Range
        Dim RngNome As Range
        Dim RngRelatorio As Range
        Dim DblIndice As Double
        Dim StrListaExpiracao As String
        Dim StrListaSupervisor As String
        Set RngDataVencimento = Range("E13")
        Set RngDiaMargem = Range("F13")
        Set RngMailAnalista = Range("N13")
        Set RngMailSupervisor = Range("O13")
        Set RngGarantia = Range("G13")
        Set RngNome = Range("B13")
        Set RngRelatorio = Range("P13") '<If column P is already taken, pick another one
        DblIndice = 0
            DblIndice = DblIndice + 1
            Set MeuOutlook = New Outlook.Application
            Set CriarEmail = MeuOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
            If RngDataVencimento.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 - RngDiaMargem.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 <= Date Then
                If RngRelatorio.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 = "" Then
                    If RngMailAnalista.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 <> RngMailAnalista.Offset(DblIndice - 1, 0).Value2 Then
                        StrListaExpiracao = "Automatic alert" & "<br>" & "<br>" & _
                                            "The document: " & RngGarantia.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 & _
                                            " Belonging to the group " & RngNome.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 & _
                                            " It will expire in " & CDbl(RngDataVencimento.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 - Date) & _
                                            " days." & "<br>"
                        StrListaSupervisor = RngMailSupervisor.Offset(DblIndice, 0) & ";"
                        StrListaExpiracao = StrListaExpiracao & _
                                            "The document: " & RngGarantia.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 & _
                                            " Belonging to the group " & RngNome.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 & _
                                            " It will expire in " & CDbl(RngDataVencimento.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 - Date) & _
                                            " days." & "<br>"
                        Select Case Len(StrListaSupervisor)
                            Case Is = 0
                                StrListaSupervisor = RngMailSupervisor.Offset(DblIndice, 0) & ";"
                            Case Is = Len(Replace(StrListaSupervisor, RngMailSupervisor.Offset(DblIndice, 0), ""))
                                StrListaSupervisor = StrListaSupervisor & RngMailSupervisor.Offset(DblIndice, 0) & ";"
                        End Select
                    End If
                    RngRelatorio.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 = Date
                End If
            End If
            If RngMailAnalista.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2 <> RngMailAnalista.Offset(DblIndice + 1, 0).Value2 Then
                If StrListaExpiracao <> "" Then
                    With CriarEmail
                         .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
                         .HTMLBody = StrListaExpiracao
                         .To = RngMailAnalista.Offset(DblIndice, 0).Value2
                         .CC = StrListaSupervisor
                         .Subject = "Contract expiration alert"
                    End With
                End If
                StrListaSupervisor = ""
                StrListaExpiracao = ""
            End If
        Loop Until RngDataVencimento.Offset(DblIndice + 1).Value2 = ""
        MsgBox ("Alert sent successfully")
    End Sub