I have gotten the host cell to pull the very first value in the Q column when the C column has a checked box but as more boxes get checked, I'd like the host cell to stay up to date by displaying the next value in the Q column, and then the next, and then the next.
For reference, this is the formula I have in the display cell:
I can tell that it's not quite right but everything I can think to do to try and manipulate it breaks one rule or another and only outputs an error.
If more context helps, I'm trying to create a student loan tracker for myself. The C column hold checkboxs that mark payments made and the Q column holds a formula that calculates and displays outstanding interest after a payment.
If this isn't possible, that's alright, but with my very very little knowledge of Google Sheets and some quick google searches I was able to get myself here, so I feel like it's reachable, I just don't have the knowledge. Appreciate any help!
This formula will return the last value from column Q where column C is true.