I'm trying to use SvelteMap: https://svelte.dev/docs/svelte/svelte-reactivity#SvelteMap
but for some reason it's not reactive.
I am exporting it from a .svelte file:
export const items = new SvelteMap<number, Item>();
is an object.
Then inside a function I change the contents, like:
const item = items.get(num);
item.someProp = newValue;
The map is update, but reactivity doesn't work in components.
I also tried to re-assign the item in that function
const item = items.get(num);
item.someProp = newValue;
items.set(num, item);
still no go..
The map will not make its contents reactive, just its own properties and methods.
So the items you put into the map need to be stateful, e.g.
const item = $state({ value: 1 });
items.set(0, item);
(For plain objects and arrays, $state
creates a proxy wrapper around the object which will fire signals that trigger reactivity on change. Class instances with $state
properties would work as well.)
If you cannot make the item reactive (e.g. because it is from a separate library), you could wrap the instance in an object and assign a new wrapper after the modification to trigger the reactivity of the map.
const { current } = items.get(num);
current.someProp = newValue;
items.set(num, { current }); // constructs new object